How to Take Live Classes on YouTube and Where to Find Them

Since its inception in 2005, the YouTube platform has expanded significantly. Today, more than three hundred hours of video are uploaded to the platform every minute. That’s not even accounting for live classes hosted on the platform!

YouTube has made it possible to both host and stream live classes from any location. Educators can host socially distanced classes that students can access via a link. There are also plenty of live classes available to the public on YouTube. Whether you want to improve your language skills or learn more about food and wellness, there’s a live class for you!

In this article, we’re going to take a look at how you can attend live classes on YouTube and the benefits of this method of learning. We’ll then break down how you can find and attend live classes on YouTube! Let’s get started so you can get learning – remotely.

Attending Live Classes on YouTube

In the age of socially distanced learning, many existing platforms have begun to cater to our new way of doing this. This includes remote learning! With YouTube, various creators, professionals, and teachers can now use YouTube’s live streaming function to host remote live classes.

There are many great benefits to being able to remotely attend a live lesson, especially with an ongoing pandemic. Since the start of the coronavirus, the number of people both hosting and attending live classes has rapidly increased. The accessibility this provides is unprecedented and the opportunities virtually endless.

Those hosting these lessons, regardless of who they are, will need a YouTube account that is verified in order to host these livestream classes. This typically takes one day or twenty-four hours. However, for those simply attending these live classes, they only need a YouTube account that they are logged in to.

What’s particularly great about this mode of education is that it is more widely accessible to others. Teachers are able to virtually host classes for their own students, of course, but the list of possibilities is even longer. Especially when you consider live classes that are available to anyone!

Being able to virtually attend live classes is changing the landscape of teaching and learning for the better – and you can be a part of that. In this article, we’ll look at the different types of live classes you can attend by simply logging into your YouTube account. With these classes, you can learn anywhere.

The Advantages of YouTube Learning

In addition to the sheer accessibility of live classes hosted on YouTube, there are many other great benefits of using the YouTube platform to attend remote classes in real time. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of attending live classes on YouTube.

1. Education at Your Fingertips

YouTube is a platform that is accessible from a wide variety of devices. This makes these live classes that much more accessible to those looking to learn new skills and improve existing ones. You’ll be able to attend live classes from your phone, tablet, laptop, and more!

2. It’s Free!

YouTube is a free platform to use. This makes it that much more accessible to those around the world who want to attend live classes via this platform. This is a key benefit as it allows the YouTube platform to bring individuals together – especially amidst an ongoing pandemic.

3. It’s Socially Distanced by Default

Social distancing is a key factor to consider amidst the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Luckily, where live YouTube classes are concerned, there’s no need to worry about factors such as social distancing. This allows those looking to learn through this platform to keep their minds focused on what matters!

4. It’s Interactive in Different Ways

You may not simply be able to raise your hand and ask a question during a YouTube live class, but there are different ways to interact with others in your ‘class’. Through use of the comments sections of YouTube live classes and videos, you’ll be able to connect to people from across the globe. This gives you the opportunity to meet people you may have never met otherwise.

5. There’s a Way Around Time Zones

With all the advantages of taking live classes on YouTube, one issue that is unavoidable is the time zone issue. If you’re taking a live class hosted in a different time zone, it might happen at a highly inconvenient time for you. Luckily, there’s a way around this!

Whoever hosts the relevant live class has the option to save live videos to their channel after their air. This will effectively allow those who missed the live class to still benefit from the lesson. These individuals will be able to watch the lesson after it has aired live without missing out.

Furthermore, this is a great feature for those who wish to go back and replay a certain part of the lesson at a later point. This allows live class participants to go back to the relevant lesson to better grasp the material that has been covered.

YouTube Live and Your Learning Institute

Whether you’re still in school or in college, it is possible for your relevant learning institute to utilize the YouTube platform to host live classes. These types of live classes may be unlisted on YouTube. This means that they may not be available to the public and you will not be able to access these live classes directly through YouTube.

Instead, the educator hosting the class will be able to share a link that will provide access to the relevant live lesson. When you click on this link, it will open the live class on YouTube, where you’ll be able to watch the lesson in real time.

Of course, there are plenty of other live classes on YouTube that are available to anyone looking to learn! Keep reading as we take a look at free live classes on YouTube.

YouTube Live Classes for the Public

YouTube is a sprawling platform with more than 1.3 billion active users! Every minute, more than 300 hours of video footage is uploaded to YouTube. It would be impossible to watch every video on YouTube – even if you dedicated your entire life to it. That doesn’t even factor in live YouTube videos!

Luckily, YouTube has made it simple to find the content you’re looking for on their platform – including live classes! Using the search bar, you can find the right live class for you. All you need to do is type in “live class [insert relevant interest here]” and press search!

Whether you’re looking for general classes or more specified live classes on certain subjects, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for with a simple search on YouTube. If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve highlighted a few channels that host general live classes that are available to the public through YouTube!

Learn English with (YouTube Channel)

For those looking to improve their English, this is perfect YouTube channel! Not only does this channel offer live English classes, but there’s a wealth of uploaded content to help you on your journey. With 24/7 live classes, you can learn when it suits you!

BBC Learning English (YouTube Channel)

This YouTube channel is an initiative by the BBC to help others improve their English language skills. This is done through both live classes and uploaded language content.

CBC Life (YouTube Channel)

This YouTube channel focuses on topics like food and wellness. With a wealth of uploaded content and regularly hosted live classes, you’re sure to pick up a few new tricks along the way!

Learning Music Skills (YouTube Channel)

For those looking to improve their musical theory knowledge, this YouTube channel is a great ally. This channel regularly hosts live classes where music theory is discussed. In addition to this, there are plenty of videos available on their channel to help you fully grasp these concepts.


The YouTube platform has made it possible to learn safely through their live streaming functionality. Educators and YouTube creators alike can use this functionality to live stream classes to remote audiences. YouTube has made it easier than ever to attend live classes!

Glen Brown

I am a Technical Trainer and Manager with over 20 years experience in IT, Education and Business. I have multiple qualifications on each topic including post graduate qualifications. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and using technology to do this. If you would like to know more about me please see the about page of the website.

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